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Australia's Destruction of Philosophy-Subluxation Based Chiropractic

Dr. McKibbinIn the 1960s after some six months of medically treating my subluxation-related symptoms with drugs, a chiropractor located and adjusted my subluxations and, I had a satisfactory outcome.

I was unaware that Australia’s government and media were cooperating with pharmacy-based medicine in the creation of a worldwide medical monopoly that still dominates and controls the delivery of global health care.

This lobby profits from ignoring millions of subluxations while treating the subluxation-related symptoms with drugs and occasionally, with spinal surgery.

Organised medicine has successfully influenced national governments to contain chiropractic within private health care while precluding it from most government-funded health care.

Contain and Eliminate Book CoverOrganised medicine exerted its worldwide power to stop the free enterprise growth of chiropractic by influencing governments to impose a process called containment and elimination.

Neither the decades of containment nor the current elimination of philosophy-subluxation-based chiropractic could have become established and remained in existence without the informed cooperation of both the media and politicians.

In time to come, millions of patients who have subluxation-related disorders will be directed toward drugs and surgery.

Welcome to global medicine’s war on chiropractic!

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