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Slandering Chiropractic Education

Dr. McKibbinThe U.S. trial Wilk vs AMA evidenced a disinformation program that especially slandered the education of chiropractors. I was very pleased with my 1960s education at Palmer College.

At that time all U.S. registered health care practitioners had to pass State Board exams for knowledge proficiency before being able to practice. We chiropractic students had studied the same textbooks and, passed the same exams and, eventually joined medical undergraduates sitting the same final basic science exams in the same core subjects.

I was in the company of senior medical students when I sat and passed my Iowa basic science exams.

Neither surgery nor pharmaceuticals are a part of chiropractic education. Instead, my chiropractic education focused on chiropractic philosophy, the spine’s anatomy and mechanics in health and disease, x-ray evaluation of the spine in health, and, spinal disorders. Chiropractic is not part of medical education.

Nowadays in Australia, to complete the undergraduate course in 1) medicine takes six years, 2) five years for chiropractic and 3) four years for physiotherapy. Seemingly, medical education fails to teach that:

  1. Globally millions of failed medical patients have responded well to chiropractic care.
  2. Subluxation-related disorders do occur.
  3. Ignoring the subluxation and treating the symptom with drugs or surgery is an evil betrayal of patient interests.
  4. Ethically, patients who have subluxation-related disorders should be referred to chiropractors.

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